Author name: ADMIN

Importance of Play

Play is the main occupation of any child, it is their way of exploring their world and how they learn. Playing provides them with opportunities to learn skills related to building relationships with others, how to manipulate their body and objects, and the purpose and function of objects. It builds dexterity, coordination, physical, cognitive and

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What is an IEP?

What is an Individualized Education Plan and as a parent what do I need to pay attention to? An IEP is an individualized education plan. It is a document that summarizes the school’s team findings from the ETR, the goals the team will be working on and how your child will receive those services. The

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What is an ETR?

Evaluation Team Report: A School’s Report on Findings from an Evaluation of Student Needs What exactly is an ETR? An ETR is basically a typed report of all of the findings from testing that was done on your child. It is comprised of a planning form, individual summary, team summary and eligibility page. The planning

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Concerned about your child's development? Immediate openings available for screenings!